We have worked really hard this year, the map has exceed all of expectations, with partner maps, it doubled in size from last year.
We are getting 2-4,000 hits on the map DAILY. Website is getting at least 200-300 new hits daily, Facebook even more. Follows on page is getting ever closer to 20000.
All that sounds GREAT on paper.
We spent 2 full days of work on a media blitz to dozens of media outlets, we heard back from 1, then they ghosted us, even when we followed up.
Outside a brief mention on a local radio station (A person I consider a friend is a DJ there), we have gotten ZERO major media coverage, and zero inquiries on doing any. This is super frustrating, but Christmas will likely be another story in regards to that. Doesn’t make us feel any better. We know our hard work is being enjoyed, by followers, but even some media coverage would have been nice as we’ve seen numerous displays getting coverage this year (more than we have seen in years past).
If you have contacts in the media that can help us gain coverage, we would be greatly appreciative. As we were hoping to use some of this years coverage to help get sponsors for the Christmas map, and hopefully, going forward. We cannot financially continue to provide all of what we do from our personal budgets. We do so much to ensure we have content and resources for our community, sometimes it just takes a toll.
If you are able to, please donate to our efforts, even if it’s just $1/month on Patreon, if just HALF our followers did that, all costs for this project would be fully funded, and allow us to take it even further to another level with a fully custom map, and even more.
Happy Haunting everyone.