Features will have to wait


Well we got lots of offers for help, but it wasn’t really help, just mostly salespeople.  We got some good offers, but that said, any money for those would be out of personal finances which are tight.  So after we get sponsors (hopefully) we can use that money toward these things early next year for the 2024 season.

We are a bit disappointed but we did start way too late to do it effectively and efficiently, so the fault is partly ours.

We still really want to add new features, but it needs to be a bit more on our terms, not changing the foundation we’ve already started.  So website, as janky as it is, will stay the same for this year, and app gets delayed yet again due to finances.

But in all seriousness if all our Fb followers donated just a dollar each, we would have PNWCL fully funded for a couple years, and have enough to get a high quality  app made, and a super professional webpage.

But those will have to wait for this year.