
We have finally made it into a new year.  Welcome 2023…..

Our biggest, busiest season is over, but coming next is our minor holiday maps

Valentines Day, St Patrick’s Day, and then Easter.

We hope you use and enjoy our other holiday maps!!

New Year’s Eve Eve


Here we are on the Eve of New Years Eve, and it’s the last weekend for the majority of most of our displays, a handful are continuing a week longer.

We do hope we get a big push of visitors to displays, as visitor count is down cross the board, while this may be due to more public events being available for people to do, and of course the winter weather certainly impacted people’s ability to travel.

We hope that our followers have a great new year.

We’d love to hear from our followers about their favorite display, let us know at pnwcl@pnwcl.com

Christmas come and gone


We hope that our followers had a great Christmas holiday and got out and enjoyed some displays.

Christmas for us was non-eventful, and fairly quiet, and met our typical expectations of what we’ve come to see as our ‘normal’.

The best gift for us would have been significant growth of the page, and a jump in view count for the map, we have not seen significant numbers this year, compared to years past.   We do wish we had kept up on numbers prior to 2020 for comparison, but 200k views 1.5Mil views, and then 65k views this year.

If we would have gotten some media coverage, it would have helped us significantly, but even after 150+ emails to various media contacts, we never heard back from any of them….. Sad… very sad, especially since we are on a big anniversary year.  

Well we can always hope for a late season push…..


From Vancouver Island, to the lower mainland….Seattle and Tacoma, Portland, and Eugene…. We have had a busy travel season.  We hope you have enjoyed the photos and videos we have posted!  We still have more displays to visit, but no more long distance travel.

We are saddened we were not able to make it over to displays in the eastern side of our coverage area, or get as far south in Oregon as we would have hoped, but it still was a great travel time, and we expanded our network further, and connected with more people along the way.

This is what makes PNWCL different than most, we network with people, we build community, we are not just about throwing a bunch of things on a map and calling it good.  We take the time to confirm as much of the listings we have EACH and EVERY year, to ensure when people go out to see displays they are not disappointed.  We try to meet with display owners, as possible, to learn their story, and talk about their lights. We also strive to give/leave a thank you card to all/most of the displays we visit (or attempt to visit).  Is it a LOT of work, YES, yes it is 40-60 hours a week to ensure everything is kept up to date as best as possible.

We do all of this for FREE, no one pays to be on our map, and never will.  If people choose to donate, or sponsor what we do, we appreciate it as our costs of doing all this do come out of our own pockets.  Money collected goes towards our efforts here, and for future improvements.  We’d like to use a different mapping system than we do, but obviously that comes with costs, so for now we continue with what has worked well enough for the past 10 years.

Those that know us, also know some of the other things we have in the plans.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays



Well now, December has arrived, but so has winter weather (we are still officially in fall season), but that means displays are coming online, and more and more are running.

There are many displays that have delayed due to weather or technical issues, and some have had to cancel plans for their displays entirely due to early season weather issues.

We want everyone, display owner, and fans to be safe out there while enjoying displays, as residential roads in a few areas are still sketchy at best, and with another freeze pending for some folks, that just means ICE everywhere.

So use caution, and be safe first and foremost.  4 wheel drive does not mean 4 wheel stop, nor does it guarantee traction in winter conditions.

We hope all that read this stay safe this holiday season, but also get to enjoy some of the displays we work hard to collect and bring to you.