
Well we got lots of offers for help, but it wasn’t really help, just mostly salespeople.  We got some good offers, but that said, any money for those would be out of personal finances which are tight.  So after we get sponsors (hopefully) we can use that money toward these things early next year for the 2024 season.

We are a bit disappointed but we did start way too late to do it effectively and efficiently, so the fault is partly ours.

We still really want to add new features, but it needs to be a bit more on our terms, not changing the foundation we’ve already started.  So website, as janky as it is, will stay the same for this year, and app gets delayed yet again due to finances.

But in all seriousness if all our Fb followers donated just a dollar each, we would have PNWCL fully funded for a couple years, and have enough to get a high quality  app made, and a super professional webpage.

But those will have to wait for this year.


Well we are the game to look at webpage improvements and possibly a mobile application.  We know some national ones already exist and beat us to that, but we don’t have financing or backing that they do.  We are trying to find low cost options to do this, but that always seems difficult even when we run on no profit from this project.  Yes, we make a few dollars, but nowhere near enough to offset our costs, let alone drop a few thousand dollars to get an application made.

We wish we could find some college students that could use our project as an application project for school as well.

We really want the webpage to be better than it is, but really don’t want to use Wordpress, we want to be able to what we want with it, without have to incur extra costs to get the features we need/want.


What a whirlwind spooky season it has been, Interviewed by PNW Haunts and Homicides Podcast, record number of Halloween displays on the map, insane levels of traffic to the Facebook and the website…. What more could we ask for?  We are hoping our next season is just as successful and we grove even more going forward.

We are thankful for all the followers and new followers we have this year.


First off we hope you had a great holiday, whether you celebrated Canada Day, or USA’s Independence Day.  We hope you had a safe and sane celebration.

This year, we are looking to continue with Sponsorships, and hopefully even extend it to the Halloween map.  While we don’t want to overly distracting with advertisements to distract from the main purpose of our efforts, sponsorships help cover the personal costs that are incurred in bringing this to you, as we often work 40-60 hours a week unpaid, on keeping things updated during the season, on top of our normal full times jobs.  In addition web hosting and decent support software are not without cost.

More details on sponsorships and levels will be posted at a later time.

Best Regards




New year, so far so good.

Testing a few new features options, to little success.  Finding free or cost effective things to improve our tools is challenging.  We do wish that we could get some help/volunteer work to help us with those things.   We like to collaborate and want to ensure what we provide for our community works, and is of decent quality level.  We try to build things up on what we already have, but try not to recycle too much information if can avoid it.

If you have web or app development skills and want to help or volunteer your skill set to assist this project. Please Email us.

All the Best